Change of boundary method as a means to solve geodetic boundary value problems
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: Bucha Blažej

Identifikátor: 3COB
Studied is the change of boundary method, the backbone concept of recent high-degree Earth's gravitational field models such as EGM2008. Since a formal mathematical proof is still missing to prove convergence of the method in a general scenario, numerical experiments in a carefully designed synthetic environment are needed, hopefully providing a clue for further theoretical investigations.
Bucha B, Sanso F (2021) Gravitational field modelling near irregularly shaped bodies using spherical harmonics: a case study for the asteroid (101955) Bennu. Journal of Geodesy 95:56, doi:
Bucha, B., Hirt, C., Kuhn, M., 2019. Divergence-free spherical harmonic gravity field modelling based on the Runge–Krarup theorem: a case study for the Moon. Journal of Geodesy 93:489--513.
Štatistika za obdobie:
[1] Spotrebovaný strojový čas všetkých skončených úloh, využívajúcich danú aplikáciu.
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[1] Spotrebovaný strojový čas všetkých skončených úloh, využívajúcich danú aplikáciu.

We are grateful to the HPC center at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, which is a part of the Slovak Infrastructure of High Performance Computing (SIVVP project, ITMS code 26230120002, funded by the European region development funds, ERDF), for the computational time and resources made available.